1021 Ranch Road 620 S

Austin, Texas  78734



Keith Falcone - Broker



RE/MAX Lake Travis



Dedicated to Restaurants, Recreation and Entertainment

Along the 620 Corridor


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As you all know this list changes often, if you know of any necessary changes please let us know at keith@keithfalcone.com

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827Rays 3519 RR 620N (512) 266-9445  
All Star Burger 12921 Hill Country Blvd (512) 263-7300 www.allstarburger.com 
Amy's Ice Cream 13420 Galleria Circle   (512) 263-2903  
Angel's Ice House 21815 Hwy 71  (512) 264-3777 www.angelsicehouse.com
Ann Wolfe's Creole Blues 13011 Shops Parkway  (512) 402-1851  
Artisan Bistro 900 RR 620 S (512) 263-8728 www.artisanbistroaustin.com
Ate Café 2127 Lohmans Crossing  (512) 263-4933 www.atecafe.com
Austin's Pizza 7301 RR 620 N (512) 795-8888 www.austinspizza.com
Backdraft Pizzeria 3595 RR 620 S (512) 387-1005 www.backdraftpizzeria.com 
Baguette Et Chocolat 12101 Bee Cave Rd  (512) 263-8388 www.baguetteetchocolat.com
Bee Cave Coffee 13420 Galleria Circle (512) 263-9900 www.beecavecoffee.com
Black Walnut 10817 RR-2222 (512) 241-0333 www.blackwalnutcafe.com
Blue Bamboo 12918 Shops Parkway  (512) 263-8889 www.bluebamboo71.i8.com
Boat House Grill 6812 RR 620 N (512) 249-5200 www.boathousegrill.com
Bountiful Bakery and Café 13011 Shops Parkway  (512) 402-0043 www.atriptobountiful.com
Buenos Aires Café 13500 Galleria Circle U-120  (512) 441-9000 www.buenosairescafe.com/galleria
Buster's BBQ 2125 Lohmans Crosing  (512) 263-2340 www.busterslakeway.com
Café Blue - Hill Country Galaria 12921 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 366-5230 www.cafebluetx.com 
Café Castronova 900 RR 620 S (512) 263-3322 www.cafecastronova.com
Café Lago 1200 Lakeway Dr  (512) 261-8141 www.cafelagolakeway.com
Ernies Dockside on the Lake 5973 Hi-Line Rd  (512) 266-4934 www.docksidelaketravis.com
Chicken Express 2109 RR 620 S (512) 402-0285 www.chickene.com 
Chicken Express 8300 RR 620 N (512) 428-4932 www.chickene.com 
Chili's Grill & Bar 3480 RR 620 S (512) 402-9977 www.chilis.com
China Pacific 107 RR 620 S (512) 266-9328 www.chinapacificaustin.com
Chisos Grill 12921 Hill Country Blvd (512) 263-7353 www.chisosgrill.com
Chi-Town Chicago Style Eatery 2101 RR 620 N (512) 266-1140 www.eatchitown.com
Cho Sushi Japanese Fusion 4300 Quinlan Park Rd  (512) 266-8700 www.chosushi.com
Craigo's 2501 RR 620 S (512) 402-1600 www.craigositalian.com
Creamistry 1600 RR 620 S (737) 203-5757 www.creamistry.com
Crown Donuts 395 RR 620 S (512) 336-5000  
Cups & Cones 2900 Quinlan Park Rd (512) 266-2444 www.cups-and-cones.com  
Domino's Pizza 900 RR 620 S (512) 402-9444 www.dominos.com/home
Don Mario's 1700 RR-620 N (512) 266-3319 www.taqueriadonmario.com 
Donut Hole 2422 RR 620 S (512) 263-2388  
Emerald Restaurant 13614 Hwy 71  (512) 263-2147 www.irishemeraldrestaurant.com
Espetos Brizilian Steakhouse 900 RR-620 S (512) 515-3005  
Ethel's Wine Market 2300 Lohmans Spur STE 111 (512) 520-4021  
Fion Wine Pub & Bistro 2900 Quinlan Park Rd  (512) 266-3466 www.fionwinepub.com
Firehouse Subs 900 RR-620s (512) 402-1919 www.firehousesubs.com 
Flores Mexican Restaurant 2127 Lohmans Crossing  (512) 263-9546 www.floresmexican.com
Flores Mexican Restaurant 7900 RR 620 N (512) 996-9636 www.floresmexican.com
Ford Restaurant Group 1514 RR 620 S (512) 263-0929  
Fozy's Shaved Ice 3205 RR 620 N (512) 970-5273 www.frozysshavedice.com
Freddy's  8300 RR 620 N (512) 494-6755 www.freddysusa.com
Freebirds World Burrito 8300 RR 620 N (512) 996-9734 www.freebirds.com
Fuddruckers 12815 Shops Parkway (512) 590-8576 www.fuddruckers.com 
Grille at Rough Hollow 103 Yacht Club Cv  (512) 261-3444 www.thegrilleatroughhollow.com
Grove Wine Bar and Kitchen 3001 RR 620 S (512) 263-2366 www.grovewinebar.com
Gumbo's Steak & Seafood 12823 Shops Parkway  (512) 263-2711 www.gumboslaketravis.com
Hasler Brothers Steakhouse 12801 Hill Country Blvd (512) 402-1200 www.haslerbros.com
Hat Creek 1602 RR 620S (512) 712-5968 www.hatcreekburgers.com/lakeway
Hey Cupcake 6900 RR 620 N (512) 476-2253  
High 5 Bowling 1502 RR 620 S (512) 710-2695 www.bowlhighfive.com
Highland Coffee 3611 RR 620 S (512) 266-3335  
Highlight Gametime Grill 8300 RR 620 N (512) 243-6639 www.highlightsgametimegrill.com 
Hill Country Pasta House 3519 RR 620 N (512) 266-9445 www.hillcountrypasta.com
Hudson's on the Bend 3509 RR 620 N (512) 266-1369 www.hudsonsonthebend.com
Hunan River Place 10601 FM-2222 (512) 241-0330  
Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches 2410 RR 620 S (512) 369-3930 www.jimmyjohns.com 
Iron Cactus Mexican Grill and Margarita Bar 13420 Galleria Circle  (512) 263-7636 www.ironcactus.com/hill-country-galleria.asp
J5 Steakhouse 21814 Hwy 71  (512) 428-5727 www.j5steakhouse.com
Jamba Juice 12913 Galleria Circle #102  (512) 402-9060 www.jambajuice.com
Jaspers Big Dog Saloon 1310 RR 620 S (512) 432-5073 www.jaspersbigdogsaloon.com  
Java Dive Organic Café 1607 RR 620 N (512) 266-5885 www.javadivecafe.com
Johnny Fins 16405 Clara Van  (512) 402-8350 www.johnnyfins.com
Josey's Grill 101 Lakeway Dr  (512) 261-6600 www.dolce-lakeway-hotel.com/features
Juiceland 2422 RR-620 S (512) 284-9044 www.juicelandaustin.com 
La Cabana Mexican Grill 21103 Hwy 71 (512) 264-0916  
La Feria Restaurant 2303 RR 620 S (512) 263-8888 www.laferiaaustin.com
Lakeside Pizza and Grill 2900 Quinlan Park Rd  (512) 266-2330 www.lakesidepizzagrill.com
Lakeway Market and Deli 2114 Lakeway Blvd (512) 261-5091  
League Kitchen & Tavern 1310 RR 620 S (512) 263-3279 www.leaguelakeway.com
Legends Café 900 RR 620 S (512) 263-4111  
Lemongrass Asian Cuisine 1310 RR 620 S (512) 263-2221  
Little Country Diner 22000 Hwy 71  (512) 264-2926  
Little Greek Restaurant 2422 RR 620 S  (512) 276-2519 www.mylittlegreek.com 
Little Woodrow's 12801 Shops Parkway  (512) 263-8374 www.littlewoodrows.com
Lola Savannah Coffee Lounge 3001 RR 620 S (512) 263-2366 www.lolacoffee.com 
Los Cucos Mexican Café 12432 Bee Cave Rd  (512) 402-8348  
Los Pinos Mexican 4919 Hudson Bend Rd  (512) 266-3231  
Los Pinos Mexican 11715 Bee Cave Road (512) 263-2320  
Lucy's Fried Chicken 2900 RR-620N   www.lucysfriedchicken.com 
Mad Greens 2011 Main St, STE 400 (512) 792-5522 www.madgreens.com
Madam Mam’s 3929 Market Street P-100 (512) 371-9930 www.madammam.com  
Mandola's Italian Market 12815 Shops Parkway  (512) 600-8500 www.mandolasmarket.com
Mangieri's Pizza Café 2133 Lohmans Crosing  (512) 263-0188 www.mangieris.com
Table 620 1600 RR 620S (512) 599-5860 www.heb.com/static-page/table-620
The Market 4300 Quinlan Park Rd  (512) 266-8808 www.themarket-steiner.com
Mastersons Steakhouse 101 Lakeway Dr (512) 261-6600 http://www.lakewayresortandspa.com/restaurant/mastersons-restaurant 
Maudie's Tex-Mex 12506 Shops Parkway  (512) 263-1116 www.maudies.com
McArthur's 1900 RR 620S (512) 553-3030 www.mcarthurslakeway.com 
McDonalds 7409 RR 620 N (512) 996-9449 www.mcdonalds.com
Mesa Rosa 3620 RR 620 S (512) 263-6969 www.mesarosa.com
Mesa Rosa 15515 RR 620 N (512) 733-6622 www.mesarosa.com
Mimi's Café 12613 Galleria Circle  (512) 263-9731 www.mimiscafe.com
Mod Pizza 2009 Main St, STE 500 (512) 953-4280 www.modpizza.com/locations/lakeway
Moo Ventures 301 Seawind  (512) 261-0512  
Moviehouse and Eatery 8300 RR 620 N (512) 428-6071 www.themoviehouse.com 
Mr Gatti's 1320 RR 620 S (512) 459-2222 www.mrgattis.com
Mr Gatti's 3305 RR 620 N (512) 459-2222 www.mrgattis.com
Nagoya Steak and Sushi 11630 RR 620 N (512) 258-9888 www.eatnagoya.com
Nik's Kitchen and Bar 7900 RR 620 N (512) 487-5999 www.niks620.com
Oasis 6550 Comanche Trl  (512) 266-2442 www.oasis-austin.com
Oasis Texas Brewing Company 6550 Comanche Trl (512) 415-4354 www.mansfieldeventsaustin.com  
Opie's Barbecue 9504 Hwy 71 (830) 693-8660 www.opiesbarbecue.com 
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt 2011 Main St, STE 300 (512) 261-5000 www.mylocalfroyo.com/lakeway
P.Terrys 3311 RR 620 S (512) 263-9433 www.pterrys.com
Panera Bread 12901 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 263-3382 www.panerabread.com
Pao's Mandarin House 2300 Lohmans Crosing  (512) 263-8869 www.paosmandarinhouse.blogspot.com
Papa Joe's Pizza 13908 Hwy 71  (512) 263-5637 www.papajoesaustin.com
Papa John's Pizza 2422 RR 620 S (512) 263-1717 www.papajohns.com
Papa Murphy's 2303 RR 620 S (512) 906-0098 www.papamurphys.com
Pei Wei 12913 Galleria Circle  (512) 263-8565 www.peiwei.com
Plate by Dzintra 12717 Shops Parkway  (512) 358-4776 www.platebydzintra.com
Poodie's Hilltop Bar & Grill 22308 Hwy 71 (512) 264-0318 www.poodies.net 
Progress Coffee Austin 1310 RR 620 S (512) 800-6371 www.progresscoffee.com
Quiznos Sandwich Restaurant 3620 RR 620 S (210) 666-6500 www.quiznos.com
Quiznos Sandwich Restaurant 7900 RR 620 N (210) 877-1800 www.quiznos.com
Raising Cane's Chicken 1600 RR 620S (512) 263-2955 www.raisingcanes.com
Redfin Seafood Kitchen 8300 RR-620N (512) 428-5885 www.redfinseafoodkitchen.com
Riveria Bistro 12801 Shops Parkway #200 (512) 263-2960 www.rivierabistro.com
R.O.'s Outpost BBQ 22112 Hwy 71  (512) 264-1169 www.rosoutpost.com
Rocco's Grill 12432 Bee Cave Rd (512) 263-8204 www.roccosgrill.com
Rosie's Tamale House 13303 Hwy 71  (512) 263-5245  
Rudy's Country Store & Bar-B-Q 7709 RR 620 N (512) 250-8002 www.rudys.com
Saccone's 11416 RR 620 N (512) 257-1200 www.saccones.com
Sakura Sushi & Bar 1945 Medical Dr, STE 500 (512) 263-0866 www.sakuralakeway.com
Sandy's Hambuger Hut 113 RR 620 N (512) 266-1524  
Santa Catarina Restaurant 1310 RR 620 S (512) 300-0946 www.santacatarinarestaurant.com
Schlotzskys 8300 RR-620N 9512) 258-3500 www.schlotzskys.com
Shades Café 16410 Stewart Rd  (512) 266-2268 www.shadescafe.com
Shore Club Volente Beach 16107 Wharf Cv  (866) 369-3595 www.shoreclubtx.com
Smokey J's Bar-B-Que 7008 RR-620N (512) 331-4888  
Smoothie King 1800 RR 620S (512) 373-3676 www.smoothieking.com
Soleil Bar & Grill 6550 Comanche Trl  (512) 266-0600 www.soleilaustin.com
Springhill Restaurant 13212 Hwy 71  (512) 263-3244 www.springhillcatfish.com
Starbucks (Lohmans Crossing) 2410 RR 620 S (512) 263-5877 www.starbucks.com/store-locator/search 
Starbucks (Randalls) 2301 RR 620 S (512) 263-6420 www.starbucks.com/store-locator/search
Starbucks (Randalls Steiner) 5145 RR 620 N (512) 266-3168 www.starbucks.com/store-locator/search
Starbucks (HEB Parking) 12400 Hwy 71 (HEB Parking Lot, west side) (512) 263-1866 www.starbucks.com/store-locator/search
Starbucks (HEB Parking) 7301 RR 620 N (512) 250-3533 www.starbucks.com/store-locator/search
Steiner Ranch Steakhouse 5424 Steiner Ranch Rd  (512) 381-0800 www.steinersteakhouse.com
Subway Galleria 12717 Shops Parkway (512) 402-1828 www.subway.com
Subway Four Points 7301 RR 620N (512) 582-8067 www.subway.com
Subway Oaks at Lakeway 1600 RR 620S (512) 263-9632 www.subway.com
Suelo Nuevo 4300 Quinlan Park Rd  (512) 577-7711 www.suelonuevo.com
Sundancer Grill 16410 Stewart Rd (512) 266-2268 www.sundancergrill.com 
Taco Bell 7411 RR 620 N (512) 331-4470 www.tacobell.com
Tadashi 12820 Hill Country Blvd (512) 263-3200 www.facebook.com/Tadashi.Austin 
Taqueria Don Mario 5000 Hudson Bend Rd  (512) 266-3319  
Texas Street Grill 3519 RR-620 N (512) 428-4578 www.texasstreetgrillaustin.com
Texenza Coffee 12820 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 402-0770 www.texenzacoffee.com
Thai Spice Restaruant 1310 RR 620 S (512) 263-2221 www.thaispiceaustin.com/lakeway.htm
Thundercloud Subs 2300 Lohmans Crosing  (512) 263-1620 www.thundercloud.com
Thundercloud Subs 6920 RR 620 N (512) 335-3663 www.thundercloud.com
Tony C's Coal Fired Pizza 12800 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 263-3473 www.tonycs.com
Torchy's Tacos 1945 Medical Dr (512) 975-3240 www.torchystacos.com/location/lakeway
Toscano Restaurant 2009 Main St, Ste 100 (512) 362-8100 www.toscanolakeway.com
Trading Post Wine Bar and Grill 12701 Hwy 71 (512) 428-5727 www.tradingpostrestaurant.com
Travis Restaruant and Bar 101 Lakeway Dr  (512) 261-7323 www.lakewayresortandspa.com
Tug's Bar-B-Q 1113 RR-620 N (512) 266-8847 www.tugsbbq.com 
Two Saints Baking Co. and Cafe 13011 Shops Parkway, ste 600 (512) 263-1166  
Vivel Crepes & Coffee 2011 Main St, Ste 500 (512) 953-5334 www.vivelcrepes.com
We Olive & Wine Bar 12800 Hill Country Blvd (512) 382-6517 www.weolive.com 
Whataburger 2011 RR 620 S (512) 263-8723 www.whataburger.com
Whataburger 8300 RR 620 N (512) 249-9664 www.whataburger.com 
Which Wich 12800 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 263-1221 www.whichwich.com
Willie's Burgers and BBQ 21018 Hwy 71  (512) 264-8866  
Wyland's Ocean Blue 12921 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 524-2196 www.wylandsoceanblue.com
Yaghi's New York Pizzeria 12400 Hwy 71  (512) 402-0202 www.yaghisnewyorkpizzeria.com
Yogurt Planet 12801 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 263-9789 www.yogurtplanet.com
Zingers Bar and Grill 12700 Hill Country Blvd  (512) 524-2434 www.zingersbarandgrill.com
Zoot Restaurant 11715 Bee Cave Rd  (512) 477-6535 www.zootrestaurant.com







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